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(+1) 229-443-3022

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Trusted Chemical Manufacturer to Meet Your Needs

Develop Products

for Your Brand

Our team specializes in deriving custom chemical products formulated to enhance your brand's portfolio. We combine innovative research and development with your unique specifications to create high-quality, market-ready solutions.

Chemical Manufacturing

We offer chemical manufacturing services, utilizing advanced technologies and processes to produce a wide range of chemicals with precision and efficiency. Our facilities are equipped to handle both large-scale production and specialized, small-batch orders, ensuring quality and consistency.

Chemical Distributor

As a leading chemical distributor, we provide a comprehensive selection of chemicals for various industries. Our extensive network ensures reliable supply chains and timely delivery, meeting your needs with the highest standards of service and product excellence.

Consultant Service

Our consultant service leverages deep industry expertise to guide you through complex chemical engineering challenges. Whether it's process optimization, regulatory compliance, or strategic planning, our seasoned consultants offer tailored advice and solutions to drive your business forward.

Call Now 
(+66)99-391-6669 (Thailand), (+1)229-443-3022 (USA)

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Reborn technology

At Reborn+, we're on a mission to revolutionize the plastic recycling industry and create a greener, more sustainable future. 🌱 Our innovative technology and closed-loop process are transforming the way we tackle plastic waste, unlocking its full value and reducing color impurities in recycled plastic

Operating Hours

(+66)99-391-6669 (Thailand), (+1)229-443-3022 (USA)


Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm
​​Saturday: 9am - 7pm
​Sunday: 9am - 8pm

1016 Howell Mill Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, United States (Temporary Office)

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